Aberdeen Business School, The Robert Gordon University | ACCA (The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants), Glasgow | Ashridge Business School, Berkhamsted | The Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT), London | Aston University, Birmingham | ACER (Australian Council for Educational Research), Victoria | Australian Education Assessment Services | BBC World Service, London | BPP Law School, London | Bradford University School of Management | CEM (The College of Estate Management) Reading | CIM (The Chartered Institute of Marketing), Maidenhead | Cheltenham Tutorial College | Durham University | Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University | Henley Business School, University of Reading | Heriot-Watt University, School of Management & Languages, Edinburgh | Holborn College, London | ICMA Centre, The Business School for Financial Markets, University of Reading | IHTTI School of Hotel Management, Neuchâtel | IMCA – International Marine Contractors Association, London | Institute of Actuaries, Oxford | The Institute of Export, Peterborough | The Institute of Legal Executives, Bedford | The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London | IOP: The Packaging Society, Grantham | Liverpool John Moores University | Lloyd’s Maritime Academy / National Sea Training Centre at North West Kent College, Gravesend | Loughborough University, Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering | Massey University, Palmerston North | Napier University, International College, Edinburgh | Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University | Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University | Office of the Board of Studies, NSW, Sydney | Oxford Brookes University | The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand | Queen’s University Belfast, School of Pharmacy | Royal Statistical Society, London | Securities Institute, London | 7City Learning, London | Sevenoaks School | Society of Cosmetic Scientists, London | Southampton Solent University | UNISA, Pretoria | University Centre “César Ritz”, Brig | Culinary Arts Academie | University of Bath, School of Management | University of Birmingham, Birmingham Business School | University of Brighton, School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences | University of British Columbia, Vancouver | University of Derby, The Derbyshire Business School | University of East Anglia, Norwich | University of Leicester, School of Management | University of London, External and Internal Student Administration | University of Oxford, Oxford Admissions Tests, Undergraduate Admissions | The University of Portsmouth, Computing & Mathematics | University of Pretoria | The University of Queensland | The University of South Australia | The University of Strathclyde Business School, Dept of Marketing, Glasgow | University of Sunderland, School of Business, Law and Psychology | University of Surrey, School of Management, Guildford | University of Wales, Lampeter | University of Warwick, Coventry | University of Westminster, Harrow | University of Westminster, London | The University of York, Distance Learning in Health Economics